Last night, Linnie did make us tacos. They were delicious. Then Linnie, Tim, Trevor and I watched Wall-E. I had forgotten what a cute movie that is.
This morning, first thing when we got to the clinic, Trevor had a hearing test, to check if there was any progress. I think it was supposed to be a 1/2 way test, but really we were only a 1/3 of the way through.
Mrs. Erica, Trevor's therapist, seemed a little dissapointed, though she didn't say she was. She commented that Trevor's hearing was still really sensitive. Hmmmm.... I asked if I could have a copy of his hearing graphs, so I could scrutinize them at my leisure. :) They were happy to oblige.
Sitting here, looking at them more carefully, I can see that in 4 frequencies, his hearing has become more sensitive. But in all the rest, it has either stayed the same, or gotten better. For perspective, there are 11 frequencies tested, and each is tested on both ears separately. So, out of 22 total (what do I call them? tests? cases? frequencies...we'll go with that.) frequencies, 4 are "worse" (i.e. more sensitive), 6 are the same, and 12 are better. So, I guess that's more good news than bad! And that is only after 4 days. I wonder if his therapist was hoping to see more progress? She was going to talk to the Sniders about the test, but I haven't heard what they had to say.
For a little more info on hearing, I found these websites interesting:
Audio frequency -- by Wikipedia
4 Types of Sound Sensitivity -- by the Hyperacusis Network
(On a tangent, Mrs. Erica told me more about the music that Trevor listens to. She said that it is sort of like classical music, and has piano, bagpipes, and one other instrument. She plays the same CD every day, so each morning session is exactly alike. Some kids start to memorize how many tracks there are, and know how close they are to the end of the session. Tim and I asked Trevor about it, whether the music was the same every morning, and he said, with much diffinity, NO. [Okay, I'm not sure diffinity is a word, but it just seems right. What would you call it? With his eyebrows up, and a firm nod, he said no.] Sucker as he is for patterns, it's funny that he hasn't noticed that the music is always the same!)
Onward...After therapy, Trevor wanted to go to the Southern Museum of Flight.

This musuem was really well done. It was small-scale, but nice. Many of the exibits were of real life events...not just cool-looking scenes. We enjoyed reading the stories that explained the exhibits.
We think that this was for sitting least there were stairs to help you get up. Never mind all the signs that said DO NOT TOUCH THE EXHIBITS.

Trevor and I had fun watching Tim do a flight simulator. It was really, really cool. Grandpa, you would have loved it. There were 4 simulators, with 4 different types of simulation. This one was sort of like a jet (really, I don't know the first thing about airplanes, so who knows what it was. It had lots of simulated knobs and controls...).

After that, while Tim headed out to pick up William and Samuel from Sharon in Montgomery, Trevor and I ate Taco Bell
Oh, and I finally took a picture of the house we are staying in...

We love it.
So, tomorrow is Day 6. At the beginning, they warned me that often between days 6 and 9 patients begin to experience some regression. They wanted me to pay attention, and let them know what I notice. Today Trevor's silliness was much better...I think on the way "home" was the only time he was out of control. It will be interesting to see what the next few days will bring!
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