Food is often we have tried to eat some good food. One night, William wanted IHOP (one of our family-favorites) so Tim got online, and found a recipe for IHOP pancakes to make at home. They turned out DELICIOUS. You can go HERE to try the recipe for yourself. (We didn't have any buttermilk, but I do keep buttermilk powder on hand in the fridge, and so we substituted that instead. I have found that when I use the powder substitute, I need to use a little less water than the box calls for.)
Trevor had a "make-a-face" pancake...

And William had a "rooty-jr." pancake...

It was ENORMOUS. And he ate it ALL.

Tim said we could call dinner IPOP...not sure if that's because "POP" cooked dinner, or because we all felt like popping...?
The next day we went out to Fall Harvest Days with the boys, Sharon and Larry, and Judson and Mary Grace. The weather was wonderful and we had a great time!
We started with the quilt exhibit. Trevor LOVED it. I should have guessed. He loves patterns. He took over 30 pictures of the quilts.

It was so fun to watch him enjoying taking pictures. Some of them were so cool. I took this one:

After the quilts we checked out the "tchi-tchins" ("chickens", per Mary Grace). I walked around with Mary Grace...I was sort of expecting her to get scared or cry. Sometimes she's not too sure about animals. We walked around, looking at different kinds of chickens...white ones, black ones, brown ones, spotted ones that looked like they had hats on their heads...and then right when we were looking at a big black rooster, it cock-a-doodle-doo-ed right at us. Mary Grace put up her hands, and gasped.

Her eyes got so big, and she held the pose so hard that she was kind of shaking. It was hilarious! I don't think she was scared...just excited. Well, after that, every time she heard a rooster call, she did that. EVERY TIME. It was SO funny.

I bet for at least 10 mins after we left that chicken tent and walked away she was still doing it. I wasn't even hearing those chickens any more, but every once in awhile she would do it again, and sure enough, I could hear a chicken. Oh, Mary Grace. That was funny.
Then, off to see the "pids" and the "don-teys".

Everytime we left one animal to see another, she would wave and call goodbye. "Doo bye, don-teys! Ha a nite day" (have a nice day).

We saw a "bibby t-ow"...

and a "diddy t-ow"...

...and a mule which she even petted. The boys were not as enthused.

Not sure what they were so interested in there...manure?
They did enjoy watching a man using an old-fashioned lathe.

They all enjoyed shucking some dried ears of corn and then putting them through some sort of corn mill...

By the look on everyone's faces, that was really serious business!
Before we left, we stopped by the pumpkin patch...

Trevor was THRILLED with his pumpkin. He calls it his pump-quash.

Today, Tim helped Trevor and William decorate their pumpkins...

Leave it to Tim to use a power tool...

However they did it, I think it worked great.

Trevor's was really too small to carve, but they still made it look cool by scraping a design in it.

Most of today I sat and worked on some more comfort food...Peanut Butter Bugles.
A couple years ago, one of the boys came home from school talking about them. Someone's mom had made them, and they were SO GOOD. Bugles, filled with peanut butter, and dipped in almond bark. It didn't sound too good to me...but they practically begged me to make them. I'm glad I did!

They ARE so good.

They will make a nice little treat to take to friends or neighbors.
To update on Trevor, I have started slowing down his meds. He already seems a little wound up. It really could be a long month. He was asking today how many days until we go to Birmingham? Hopefully we can nail that down sometime this week.
That's all for now!
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