~Trevor slept great last night. Hooray for modern medicine, and for friends that can prescribe it.
~We have 3 leads on the dog. (Umm...potential families, that is, not leashes.) May Buddy become a blessing to some sweet family.
~And, we have only ONE day left!!!
I have loved EVERY minute of our stay at the Bs house, (just one minute...how in the world does one make an initial plural??? B-es's? B's? Bs'?...)
...and I have loved almost every minute of my excersions with sweet little Trevor.
...and I have loved many of my minutes doing all kinds of other random things, like driving through fall-colored hills (but not having almost-car-wrecks), relaxing and reading my book in my car (which I did about 3 times, not 24 times I thought I would) and talking on the phone with my hold-down-the-fort husband (but not making frantic phone calls to the newspaper, vet and humane society looking for a home for Buddy. Did you know the humane society has a several-month-long waiting list?).
Today Trevor was feeling much better, so we went to...

It finally dawned on me today that I don't have a single picture of me and Trevor together doing any of the fun things we did on this trip! I did try once, when we were watching a movie, but of course that didn't turn out. It just makes me sick. I guess there is always tomorrow.
Anyway...we had a great time at Bass Pro. Trevor tried his hand at using a rifle. It was a wee bit big for him...

...but he still managed to get a couple of hits...

Can you see the red hit in that last picture?
Trevor enjoyed a big fish tank that had a gar as big as Daddy...

Too bad 90% of my pictures are blurry...but, what can ya do. I guess we did a lot of low-light activities. BUT, we are well-documented.
I finally had the consultation appt to get the feeback from Tim's and William's evaluations. It was good! I really appreciate that Dr. Snider didn't try to push me towards the most expensive therapies. I really sense that the Sniders desire to bless their clients. Dr. Snider said Tim's case was the most simple and straight-forward. His problems are really just visual in nature. She recommended Ocular and Vision Therapy for him.
William's case is a little more complicated (though not as bad as Trevor's). She said she could see going either way with William...either Vision therapy, like Tim, or the Sensory Learning Program, like Trevor. Since his hearing test came out so weird, it makes it hard to tell how deep the problems go. She seemed to lean toward doing the visual program, since they often see other senses improve when they take care of the vision problems. Tim and I will have to do some thinking and praying, and try to figure out what is the best thing to do.
I'm still not seeing much change with Trevor (will I ever know whether his silliness and OCD fits were therapy related?). Dr. Snider says that is really okay...that as we do the home light therapy for the next 18 days we may see some change. And she said that the Sensory Learning Program that we are doing now is really our foundation for whatever therapies we move to next. Once we are done with the home therapy part, we will wait about a month, and then come back to have another evaluation and see what progress Trevor has made. I am already eager for that.
We have certainly done lots of work the last 2 weeks, but also had LOTS of fun. I was super-ready to leave home 2 weeks ago, but now I'm ready to get back. (Well, when I think of all my responsibilities that I am going back to, I do waver a little...)
The next blog I write will be from home-sweet-home! Yippie!
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