Can you believe this little boy?? I can't remember if I mentioned that Sam lost a tooth while Trevor and I were out of town...maybe I did. But, he has also lost another since we have been home!!! This one dangled for a couple days...very unusual for Samuel. He wanted me to pull it, and I tried, but I couldn't get it out. It always makes me a little queasy to try to pull a tooth.
We call Samuel Toothless now.

Therapy Day 21
Trevor did 12 days of therapy in Birmingham, and now we are working on the 18 days of home therapy.
Here's where we do the therapy...

Yep...we do it right there in our closet.
It's cozy.
Trevor stares at this light for 20 mins in the morning, and 20 mins at bedtime...

It slowly brightens and dims, on and off about every 10 seconds or so. We have been listening to 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea...the unabridged version. I read that book a year or so ago, and thought that Trevor would like it. If you have ever read it, you know that it is a s-l-o-w book with lots of h-u-m-o-n-g-o-u-s words, both scientific and descriptive. But, whenever I ask Trevor if he wants to switch books, he says No, I like it! If you haven't read it, don't...listen to it. With all those huge words, listening is way easier!
I think I have finally seen some progress in Trevor. When I try to explain what I've seen it sounds so silly and insignificant. But, it's not insignificant to me...it's huge.
Before therapy, one of the hardest parts of our daily life was getting ready for school in the morning. Maybe it's hard for every family, I don't know. But in our family, it is hair-pulling frustrating.
As poorly as William sleeps, he always pops out of bed around 6 or 6:30. He's chipper and ready to start the day.
Trevor, on the other hand, has a hard time getting going. He has an alarm clock, and when it goes off...nothing happens. Pretty much the only reason I set it is to remind me to go in and wake Trevor up (and Samuel, too, because he sleeps through it, also). Trevor can sleep through that thing for 10 or more minutes, no problem. I can go in, shake him, open the shades, uncover him, and if I go back out before he's out of his bed, he'll fall right back asleep.
Once we finally get Trevor up and going, I have to check on him over and over again to make sure he is getting the things done that he needs to. He has a chart in his room of pictures of all the things he needs to do: make bed, get dressed, put pjs away, comb hair, do chore, feed fish. He has never been able to just do what he needs to do without thinking.
I know, I'm sure it's hard for lots of kids. But for this kid...it's extra, extra difficult.
This week, Trevor got up on his own.
That is HUGE!
Monday, Tim went and got Trevor going so we could get our morning therapy done.
Tuesday, I went to get Trevor going so we could do therapy, and when I went in his room, about 2 minutes after his alarm went off, he was climbing out of his bed, which he had already made, and he was dressed! (Pause, and imagine you can hear the Hallelujah Chorus...)
It gets better. Trevor was wearing a sweat shirt and sweat pants...which he knows he can't wear for school. Right away he asked if he could wear his sweats, and I told him he could during breakfast, but he needed to put on jeans after he ate.
When I went up to check on him when I was done cleaning up the kitchen after breakfast, I fully expected him to be sitting on his floor playing, or standing on the stairs daydreaming, like he does almost every day.
He was coming out of the bathroom where he had been brushing his teeth, and he had jeans and socks and shoes on!!!
I wish you could understand how huge that was.
Wednesday and Thursday he did equally well...woke up, and got dressed all on his own. Too bad, Friday was a day off school, and he didn't have his alarm set. I am so eager to see if this is a new trend for us, or if it was just a fluke.
I feel pretty sure that the improvement is directly related to the therapy, and it gives me hope that more things could change.
Trevor is still Trevor, though. And he's still silly and he's still irritable. He has cried several times, at his wits end with Samuel's snorting. Oh Father, please help Samuel get better from this cold!
Therapy day 4
What? You thought we were on day 21? Well...we are! But we are also on day 4.
On Thursday, Tim and William drove up to B-ham to get equipment and instructions for their home therapy program! It's like the Tolleson Therapy Center around here!
Here's the unit Tim and William use...

William's light is green. He looks at it for 20 minutes. Tim has both red and green...red for 10 mins, then green for 10 mins. They both do it once a day. Their light doesn't go on and off, it is just a steady light. Trevor thought that sounded really boring. (Yeh, Trevor, your's is so much more interesting...)
Their therapy should last 2-3 months, and should open up their visual fields. They have to go back in about a week to make sure it's working. There should be a measurable difference by then.
So, bedtime has a new twist to it.
I sit with William for his therapy for 20 minutes. We listen to a the Sign of the Beaver on tape. Tim gets Trevor and Samuel ready for bed.
Then, I sit with Trevor for 20 minutes, while Tim reads Where the Red Fern Grows to William and Samuel.
And then, while Tim does his 20 mins, I tuck in all the kids!
Bye-Bye Buddy.

Sweet Buddy. We finally found a new home for him.

A friend saw my plea for help on Facebook, and knew of someone who might want a puppy.

"Tiny" is a janitor at our friend's church. He was so pleased with Buddy, and went on and on about how much his little girl was going to LOVE him. In that picture, Buddy had been trying to lick Tiny's face. I think Buddy was a little worried, but he did okay.
It was hard to let him go, but it has been a relief also. Whenever I'm tempted to worry about how Buddy is doing, I try to pray for him, and for his new family.
Deck the Halls...

We have been busy little bees around here, getting ready for Christmas, and for our 2 day visit with my mom and dad, and Kim and Miles. They are all coming through on their way to Orlando where we will join them for a fun-filled week.
Here's a sneak peak of what we have accomplished...

We can't wait for them to get here!
Wonderwoman sent a little Christmas fun...

That started a puzzle extravaganza...we had about 10-15 kid puzzles in our entry way for most of a week. It was a good way to keep them busy!

Merry Christmas!

I have been enjoying Christmas this year. Of course, I am distracted, and busy, and sometimes discouraged...but Jesus keeps pulling my heart towards him.
Come, my long-expected Jesus! We're waiting for you!
Hi! This is Linnie
ReplyDeleteWOW! I finally figured this out. But it still says you have 0 comments. I LOVED all your pictures and the updates on your boys and especially Trevor. I am thrilled with his progress and being able to stay on task alot better. Wishing your family an exciting next few days of wonder and joy. You are guys are special...Linnie
ReplyDeleteThis is all great news! I was smiling as I read about Trevor's improvements. I completely understand why those would be HUGE improvements for you and the family. I am praying that you continue to see improvements! Will also be praying for Tim and William. I didn't realize they were undergoing therapy also.
Your openness and candidness is great!
Miss you,