We recently had a tree frog climb up on our kitchen window, which we don't get to see very often. Lizards, yes. Toads, yes. But tree frogs, no. So, although it may not have been really photo worthy to anyone else, it was to me...and the kids. They each had to take a turn documenting it as well. (Please ignore the water spots on my window...you can tell I do :)

Here's one the kids took...

Also, about 2 weeks ago, we were eager witnesses of nature in action. A pair of little birds, wrens perhaps, made a home in our porch! This old birdhouse was hanging on a tree when we moved here, and was up for, oh, I don't know, maybe 5 years. Finally, the birdhouse either fell down, or was knocked down...we didn't really pay attention, since it had always been vacant. Tim picked it up, and put it in the porch (where a good many "where-should-I put-it"s find their home). Well, apparently,
indoor birdhouses are desirable. Who knew?

We watched as the two birds brought in strand after strand of dry grass and weeds to that empty house. How amazing! Then, each day, for 5 days, momma bird laid an egg! Anyone know how long wren eggs take to hatch?

On another note, I found some pictures that I thought were funny on my camera. The boys
LOVE using it, and I let them sometimes. Here is a
tiny sampling of their view of the world...
Sure, I suppose feet could be more interesting than the view out the window of the car...or not...

and I
do love the colors in this handbag....

doesn't everyone want a picture of the inside of their mouth?

and what
does the inside of the camera look like when it takes a picture? Only one way to find out!

I also have a load of fun pictures from my family's recent visit...but the frog pictures were taken first, and I couldn't resist my impulse to go in chronological order....
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