He showed up at the office earlier this week, and hung around there all day. He's quiet and sweet. And adorable. So we brought him home.

He plays, sleeps, eats and poops...and he's just as cute as he can be all day long.

He likes to hang out with us...

..but he also does okay when we put him in his cardboard box for the night.

I'm thinking God made puppies so cute because they really are a
Perhaps we'll keep him? Perhaps...if he can quit biting the kids, and if they can enjoy him.
Trevor Saga 4
I have had so much encouragement from people letting me know that they are praying for us...so I thought I would share some specific prayer requests.
~ That our family would enjoy each other during the last few days before Trevor and I head out to therapy (on Sunday).
~ That God would give Trevor real help and relief through this therapy.
Here's some specifics that I am asking God for:
-less sensitive hearing
-wider visual field
-less anxiety
-less clumsy (not bump into things as much)
-better concentration (follow directions better)
-better handwriting (write w/out frustration)
~ For our expectations...that God would protect our hearts from being let down in any way.
~ That Trevor and I would have a special time together on our trip...making good memories, and be safe.
~ That Tim would enjoy his time with William and Samuel.
~ That God would bless and grow our family through this whole process. (Um, just to clarify, I mean grow our family spiritually, not numerically :)
We SO appreciate all the prayers and encouragement! Thank you! God has been very gentle with us, and we are enjoying following him through this "adventure". We trust him to do what is best for us, and pray he will be glorified through us!
(And, for anyone who is just jumping into the therapy story, you can read more about it in the post Our Visit to Snider Therapy Center-the condensed version.)
Lastly, in the spirit of Thanksgiving...
Here are 3 things I am thankful for:
1) That Jesus enjoys me--how wonder-full that is to me!
2) My wonderful, hardworking, patient, funny, intelligent hunk of a husband.
3) A roof over my head and food on the table...
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
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