I used to get really worked up over Valentine's Day. One year I sort of had a Valentine's Day Melt Down. Granted...I had a 2 week old baby and raging hormones at the time...but, still. Good thing I have a patient husband. Even on the Valentine's Day from Hell, he hung in there with me.
But, Hallelujah, God did a work in my heart. I was able to let go of all my crazy expectations, and release Tim from the pressure of performing for me. What a relief! Now I can just be normal on Valentine's Day. Aaahhh...
So, this year I enjoyed the day! Samuel had a party at school...

The kids in his class did a little singing for the parents, which Sam semi-participated in.

The boys and I spent the day delivering flowers to some of our Valentines, and then Tim and I went out for dinner-with the kids.

So, that was a fun day.
On Wednesday Tim added a few more mirrors to his collection.

I put this one on our shelf to take a picture, and loved it so much, it was hard to take it down. Oh well...hopefully someone else loves it, too!!

This week Samuel brought home a cute little classroom book, made by the kids. It was all about what they would look like when they are 100. Each page is a drawing by someone in the class. It's fun to see what all the kids draw, and of course to compare my precious kid with all the others.
As we flipped through the pages, Sam told me about each picture...

A lot of them were little stick people with canes...

Some were a little strange...

The last page was Samuel's.

I mean...what in the world? What a crazy picture! Look at those teeth! Oh my goodness.
Earlier in the week, while we were reading "Little House on the Prairie" before bed, the kids were coloring. Afterwards, William and Samuel proudly showed us their pictures. William's was a very nice drawing of a house, with flowers and such.

And then there was Samuel's.

His is also a house with flowers...only it's a CRAZY house, and there's lightning striking the flowers... What a BOY! I'm sure I never had lightning striking my flowers in my pictures.
And while I'm on the subject of silly Samuel...one night this week (in particular, the night that Tim and William were in Bham-yet again) I whipped up some pancakes and eggs for dinner. I made myself a fried egg, and Samuel decided he wanted one, too. He stood on a stool next to me, watching, and when I served it up he took his plate in his two little hands, took a deep breath and said with a sigh, "Aahhh, my Gworious Egg!"
Too bad I couldn't have caught his expression.

Later that night, while William made himself dinner...

...Tim told me about their day. Happily, both Tim and William showed improvement in their visual fields! Hooray! Tim's have opened up significantly...and William's opened up so that they are maybe about the size that Trevor's were in the first place.
To illustrate...a couple weeks ago, when I was tucking William in, I thought to ask him if he could see my mouth when he was looking at my eyes. No. He had to look down from my eyes to see my mouth. When he was looking at my mouth, he could only see a little of my nose. I could see his whole face...but his vision was so limited, he couldn't see all of mine. What he wasn't looking directly at would blur out.
After he got back from Bham this week, I tried again. This time he could see better! He was excited that if he looked at my nose, he could see my whole face.
Can you imagine what life must be like for him? Anytime he is concentrating on something, everything around the edges blurs out! No wonder he can't find things that are right in front of him!
But, that was all the therapy we can do with the light for now. They said that his vision could continue to improve, though. Now we just have to decide if/when we are ready to take the next step.
Boy, this post is getting long...they almost always do. In shorter form...here's some pictures of a little art project we've been working on...

That was a fun project. The boys loved it.
Now that I'm done with my post, maybe I can get something done while the kids are out enjoying our "gworious" weather. Hope you enjoy it, too!
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