A friend asked me to pick up some flowers this week to take to a little get-together. I thought I would check out our new Publix, since it was on the way, and the flower prices were so great (6.99 for tulips) I grabbed two bouquets. I was happy to bring some home with me, and so were the boys. We have all been loving our pretty flowers. They may have been the brightest thing in our week.
I am so ready for Spring to get here. I bought some seeds last week...some that I can plant inside. And even though it has been cold, I have quit wearing my Cuddl Duds...I'm just tired of feeling wintery. I keep trying to remind myself that at least it's not sticky summer time, and that Laura Ingalls Wilder had it WAAAYYY rougher than I do, but, still... (sidenote...I just googled "cuddl duds" to make sure I spelled it right, and, you know how google will give you suggestions as you type? Well, it popped up "cuddl duds for men." Um... Is it just me, or does it just seem WRONG for someone to buy their man some cuddle duds?) ANYway...
Here's a random picture that i don't know how to fit in:
Samuel helped me make cookies this afternoon, to feed all the little kids playing in the yard. (Well, actually, it was just our 3, plus 2 more, but it seemed like a lot.)

The rest of Samuel's birthday gift from Wonderwoman and Grandpa finally came. So we dragged the birthday partying out a little longer...

"A Quilt!"

He got a new quilt for his bed, and a fun decorative pillow. He loves it. We told him the pillow is really not to sleep on, that it is to make his bed look nice...but he likes to use it. Cute. (Too bad...when we got the quilt out and laid it on his bed, we saw that there were several places that the stitching had come undone. But, I called Pottery Barn, where it came from, and they were great about it. Someone is coming to pick it up in the morning, and they have already sent out a new one. Yay for good customer service.)

Now the other boys are saying that they want their beds to look nice, too. I'm glad the gift was such a hit.
While I'm on the subject of the boys...
All 3 boys are going to start Karate Lessons this week! We are all SO excited. Karate is something that Trevor's doctors have recommended, and it just sounds FUN! A new homeschool Karate class is starting up, so the classes will be in the afternoon, once a week, and all 3 boys can take TOGETHER! YES! I just keep picturing sitting there watching them in their little uniforms. I can't wait.
In Other News...
...Tim's making some good progress in this new adventure we started.
He's been working here:

It's not much to look at, and it's no better on the inside, but it'll do! Tim's renting space here from a friend. He's been doing woodworking, and is getting ready to take some of his pieces out to sell!
We rented a booth at a local antique mall that has a good reputation. The booth used to look like this:

It is still in progress...but it's looking better:

Some of the booths look like your typical antique shop...old and crowded. But there's a few really nice looking ones...like this one:

You can click HERE to see the mall.
We are wanting to use both reclaimed wood and new wood to make some nice things. Here's a few of our items:
Framed bulletin boards...

Framed mirrors...

And a bookcase...

I'm excited to get some help taking some nice pictures of all the things...tomorrow a friend of mine is going to help me out.
We also want to get a website going, so excellent photos are a must. We're excited about that, too.
I'll keep ya posted on how the booth looks once we get a few things in it.
Thanks Grandpa!
Tim used the grinder you gave him while he was working on our house yesterday. He got some of the fixtures on our tub replaced, and also got our powder room sink functional. That feels good.
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