We headed out on Thursday...William lost his first molar en route. That involved a fair amount of blood and tears...good way to get psyched up for Karate.
There were about 15 kids, and we didn't know any of them. That's okay. An older boy helped the teacher warm the kids up.

It was pretty cute to hear all the grunting when they did sit ups and push ups. I'm glad I'm not the only one who grunts :)
I had fully expected there to be lots of sitting still and listening and talking...but no! Those boys got a workout! They did hits...

Kicks... (look how high Trevor's foot is!)

and everyone got to kick the "kick-thing"

It was great. We are really excited to go back next week.
Here's a few pictures I took during school. They are random, but I thought I'd stick em in.

Boy, I have really been enjoying school lately. Of course it has its ups and downs, and every day has its challenges...but so much of it is so good!
We just finished reading 2 Chronicles. I love reading the Bible with the kids. And without homeschool, I have a hard time imagining where I would fit that in. We are memorizing lots of verses, and working on their catechism questions from church. Also, I have been working on getting the boys to sing. They WILL NOT sing. Isn't that weird? We started with the doxology. I know...strange place to start. But, it's short, they've heard it a hundred times, and I really, really love it. Trevor ventured to try it with me, and now he sings it through with me every day. William? Nope. No Way Jose. But, guess what? Now, don't "smile and clap" (that's a Trevor-ism)... and don't make a big deal about it to the boys, BUT, this last Friday Trevor and William sang with me, for the first time in YEARS. Y-E-A-R-S. It was really hard to not start jumping up and down, I was so excited. We'll see if it happens again this week. (And I'm serious about not making a big deal of it. In fact, PLEASE don't even mention it to the kids...I would probably have to wait another 5 years before it happened again. Playing it cool is CRITICAL.)
We are also enjoying Geography. We are learning about Europe, and memorizing a number of the countries. We've already got Central America and South America under our belts, and now we're tackling Europe. I think I get more excited about learning the names of the countries than the boys do. But, today in church, Belarus was mentioned and William leaned over and whispered, "Hey, that's in Europe!" Having never learned my geography before this year, I feel William's excitement.

Good pics. My B now wants to take karate, too.