Well! Here are some pictures of our recent fun in Nebraska! We have been very busy! We have enjoyed watermelon...




...worked on making snacks...

...played in the hot tub...

AND...On the 4th, we had FUN...
...working on firecrackers...

...riding in Miles' boat...

... riding on the 4-wheelers!

...playing cowboys...




...and motorcycle riding!
How did we fit all that in one day, you ask? We stayed out until midnight to get it all done. Whew!!!
Also, last night we decided it was finally time to get rid of that pesky tooth that has been bothering William so much lately. I counted to 3...

...and popped it out! Now he has a cute double-gap in his mouth!

Here's a little video of the event, that may or may not come through for you. Yes, I know it is sideways...just tilt you head or you computer...and eventually it will straighten out. :)
I LOVE how I can hear Samuel's SCREAM at the end of the sweet video of you pulling William's tooth - eowwwww!