Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Cape San Blas 2009

Wow, have we had fun! What a jam-packed summer this is going to be. We just got back from a week at a our annual family gathering at Cape San Blas, Florida. There were at least 40 family members there, at one time or another. What fun. I had so many pictures, I have tried to put them all into a slide show for you. A new trick! If it starts and stops on you, you can click on the pause button to give it time to load before you watch it... Let me know if it works for you...

Just a few more days till we get to Nebraska!! We can't wait!

1 comment :

  1. That slide show is just too SPECIAL! I can't wait till ya'll are here. Hope you are ready for some SUPER fun play time on the 4th of July!! I'm SO ready to squeeze on those boys!
