Bird Watch
Although persecuted, both the mother and father wren have been busily feeding their family. Here we have Indi eagerly peering through our flapping screen at the bird perched just outside...

Day 12: Getting a little big for their nest...they are starting to pile up! Notice there is a toe sticking up in the air...

Swim Lessons
Trevor and William started swim lessons this week. They go every day, Monday through Friday, for 2 weeks. Here's William practicing floating on his back...

Last weekend we trekked out to our friend's farm to pick blackberries. Here's Justin (whose farm it is) in the straw hat, and his 2 blond headed girls Morgan and Paige, my brother-in-law Neal (in the red shorts) with my nephew Judson, and Tim and the boys. Before the berry picking started, we checked out the garden (although it looks like we are making an organized attempt at stamping out every little seedling, we are actually trying to be careful. Me: Boys, be careful not to step on the plants! Them: WE ARE!)

To wrap up, here are some other events from our week.
Here's Trevor, chillin' in his bed with his NEW sheets! In an effort to teach Trevor to sleep in between his sheets, instead of on top of them, I let him pick out new sheets. He rated these Wall E sheets an 8 out of 10. When I tucked him in, he said his new sheets kept making him want to lay like this: (arms behind his head). That's when I ran for the camera.

William (finally) had his T-Ball trophy party last night. Just the 2 of us headed out to Adventure Land, and had fun using up some game tokens together.

I put my fears behind me, and made my first trip into a Blood Mobile. The boys waited VERY patiently while I made my first blood donation. Are you proud of me, Mom? It was really easy, and we all got free snacks!

Lastly, I want you to be aware of one more reason to thank our Wonderful God today. A couple days ago, Samuel and William were playing in their bedroom. When I heard a snap, crash, and cry, I dashed in to investigate. The blinds were up, and the blind-cords were swinging. Apparently, Samuel (in typical boy fashion) had climbed to the top of his 3 ft bookcase, tied the cord around his waist, and jumped! I guess the cord whipped up his little body (he didn't have a shirt on), and scraped up his neck as he went down. I don't think he got caught up at all, but there was definitely the potential that he could have. We have been praising God, ever since, for sparing his precious life! I know, I know, those cords are dangerous, and while they were tied up short, that doesn't help if the kids pull them down. You can be sure I have put them up better now, though I don't think the boys will be eager to repeat this experiment...
Here's the scrapes 2 days later...

Hi Jill-
ReplyDeleteBeautiful pics! I am also praising God for your son's protection from his flying attempt. I used to try to fly when I was little or use a box to slide down the stairs (don't tell your boys, because it doesn't work - we don't want to wear their angels out!!)
Susi Wilkinson