When it has been this long since a post, I just don't know where to start! In November I started couponing, and haven't posted since. :( The couponing has taken so much time, but has saved us hundreds of dollars. This week I got the kids to help me!

The 3 big boys and Peter all went to the store with me today. The Bigs found deals that they liked in the circulars, and then they compared prices at Walmart. I think it was a good experience for them, and they were excited about some of their purchases. We got home just in time for "Friday Afternoon Play with Dad Time." Mostly Tim is playing with Zack, but the Bigs are getting to play Minecraft, so that's okay with them.

So, to catch up, how 'bout a bunch of Christmas photos, then our trip to the lake for New Year's, then my Peter Pictures...
Christmas came and went in a blur in our house. It started with fondue, and ended with presents.

Playing Tripoley...

Fun Felt Christmas Tree Grandma sent...

Christmas morning...

We spent New Year's at the lake. I mostly stayed inside with Peter, but did take one excursion with Tim, Trevor, Zack, and Peter. Trevor took us to look at a cool mushroom :) It was a weird shape and color--very interesting! I also really enjoyed all the textures in the woods...amazing balls of moss on the ground and hanging Spanish Moss in the trees. It was fun to tramp around with my kids.

He just needs a little encouragement to get a smile :)

Now, random pictures:
William made some cookie dough...

Zack blanket-attacked Samuel (who is SUCH a good sport with Zack)...

Trevor got another Karate trophy at his Christmas party! Way to go, Trevor! He also made a pretty sweet house of cards.

Zack has been enjoying bubble baths and climbing in trees. He still keeps wearing that cape!

He had a blast getting into my makeup. That's fingernail polish and cream blush on his tummy. It looked awesome with his grubby jeans, over-sized-hand-me-down cleats, and cape. He was so pleased with himself. We've since had a talk about asking to play with makeup first.

Zack has also been enjoying Peter. He likes to put hats on his head, give him kisses, take baths with him, watch videos with him, etc. etc.

And now, check out how Peter is changing!

He loves to sit in his Bumbo. He can finally grab toys and "play" with them. Notice: No Bib! He is spitting a little less. We still get bombed daily, but the constant stream of goo has slowed down.

He is totally filling up his swing these days.

He found his toes, and loves to hang onto them.

Starting to like to play on his tummy...

He LOVES the bath...

Speaking of Who--I'm needed! Happy New Year!
Hey Jill!!! So sweet to catch up with you. I can't believe how much your boys have grown!!!!! And you've stayed as beautiful as ever. Miss y'all lots! xo