The day Peter was born was action packed at the Tolleson house. Grandmother came and took everyone out to pick pears at her cousins' house.

They brought home bags and bags of pears!! That sure kept Mom and Dad busy. They made pear butter and poached pears--both more than once. And we still have pears in the fridge!

Poor Zack wanted to pose for a picture, but you can barely see him :)

Later that day Mom remembered that I had suggested they make a birthday cake for Peter's birthday. So they got to work on that, too.

The first few days at home included lots of hanging out with Zack (and Peter). We ate in bed together...

...looked at pictures together...

...fed Peter together...

...played video games, watched videos, took naps...

...and marveled over this new person in our house. Thankfully Zack thinks Peter is great. He often remarks on Peter's "little ears."

We recently made our first pilgrimage to Wal-Mart. They both did great :)

Other people have had their turns with sweet Peter.


Daddy (who has been a huge help at night, by the way):

and Trevor:

My biggest challenges so far have been keeping Peter happy, and keeping Zack busy. I've tried a sling a few times with Peter, and sometimes he likes that.

The family has all pitched in to keep Zack busy.

Real life is trying to resume, whether I"m ready, or not. I took all the kids to the doctor one day. Peter needed a check up, Trevor and William were overdue for shots, Zack wanted to see a shot, and Samuel didn't want to be left out. It was absolutely crazy. The kids did good in the waiting room, but began to unravel a bit in the exam room as Peter kept fussing and crying and screaming. We were all worn out by the time we got home.

My super helpful and usually pessimistic (he calls it realistic) husband inconveniently turned optimistic last month and decided we should potty train Zack. Ha. Ha. You can laugh if you want. Here's all the kids enjoying the process together. Zack is sitting on a potty watching Super Friends :)

It took a month, but I think Zack is officially potty trained...he goes poop on the potty on his own without being told. It was a long month, but we made it. Thanks, Honey, for getting us over that hurdle.
I'll close with all my random pictures of Peter from the month.

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