Here's my advise for your less-than-24-hour camping experience--in 10 easy tips.
Tip #1) Wait to start packing until after lunch. (Any earlier, and you might make a list of what to bring, which is counter-productive for a short trip.)
#2) Have your kids help pack. (This is very important. It ensures that neither the father nor the mother has a clear idea of what they are taking on the trip. This is crutial for tip #5)
#3) Bring a baby. (Enough said. However, if possible, bringing a baby that is a heavy spitter-upper is even better. Only bring 5 bibs.)
#4) Bring a nearly potty trained toddler. (4 extra undies should do the trick. And 2 emergency diapers. Yep.)
#5) Do not bring bug spray. (If you had that you might stay longer, and that is not the goal.)
#6) Arrive at the campsite at dinner time. (That way you will hustle more when you set up camp, and be extra hungry for dinner.)
#7) Do not bring water. And...
#8) Bring lots of sugary drinks. (This is very important for getting the most out of tip #4. Sugar is said to move the bowels...so that will help you keep your camping trip short.)
#9) Go when the weather is nice and warm. (Or slightly hot. It will help motivate you when it's time to pack up.)
#10) Choose a campsite that is less than an hour from home. (By far my best tip.)
SO--even though I followed all my own tips, we still had a great time--that is, after I made an emergency run for bug spray.
Peter, Zack, and I stayed in the tent most of the evening while the guys made dinner.

The big kids were totally entertained by the many grasshoppers they found. They took tons of pictures of them.

There's at least 4 in this picture. I think they had rounded up 7 or so by the end of dinner?

Still was doing some bug swatting even with the spray...

We had a good night...truly amazing with such a tent-full of kids. Here's a good-morning picture.

This is my favorite picture of all...Tim using Grandpa's cookware. A million thanks, Grandpa, for setting us up. Tim is my dream husband--cooking breakfast over the campfire. And good-looking to boot.

They weren't sour dough pancakes, but they were Gluten Free and tasty.

Peter obliged us by sleeping through breakfast. (that's a picture of him sleeping in his cradle in the tent.)

The kids had a good time with their hatchets out in the woods. (I know...scary. But with 5 boys, what am I going to do?) We may have come home with poison ivy...the jury's still out on that.

Tim took the boys to swim in the fresh spring--68 degrees year round! Brrrr... Peter and I stayed home and napped.

It was a great first trip with 5 kids for us. I think if we wait another month we'll have a good shot at a really pleasant time. Really made me miss you, Mom and Dad, and Grandma and Grandpa. Thanks for all the precious memories of camping growing up.