Sunday, March 23, 2014

William's Birthday, The Lake, and other Fun Stuff

Ah, boys. Boys are so fun. I think I am really soaking up Boy Time lately, wondering if we will be having a girl entering our family this fall. What if these are our last sister-free months?? Well, we will soak them up and welcome her with open arms. But she better come with instructions and a crash helmet!

Sadly, Mom finally went home. I had a day and a half on my own with the kids while waiting for Tim to come home from his San Fran business trip. He's Zack and me chillin out...

Tim brought home a PILE of stickers from all the venders at his event. It was so fun to have all the kids crowd around him and see what there was. They were all SO glad to have Daddy home, and each wanted to claim some time with him.

The first day back we went to Spring Days at Landmark Park. Really only got one great picture--at the top of the post. Those boys and their tractors...

The day after that was William's birthday! Birthdays have been just one after another around here, and POOR Zack...not a one for him!! He's very happy to help celebrate, though. We sang Happy Birthday and had Peanut Butter Pie (again--yum!).

If you interfere with candle-blowing you get chopped...

Special gift from Grandma and Grandpa: A wax seal set with William's initials! From Italy! SO nice!!

The loot...  Thank you, Family, for all the wonderful and generous gifts!!!  This year I'm actually making the kids do thank you cards, so you can look for one with a WT wax seal on it!!

A random cute picture that I can't think where to stick in...except chronologically.  He's playing with Samuel's Marble Track, and showing me his marble...

Friday we headed to the lake with Tim's parents. What a delightful time I had watching the boys. Pretty shortly after we arrived we headed out on a boat ride. We have access to a pontoon boat, and it was fill-my-cup-up wonderful. When I think about it, it was so nice largely because the boys enjoyed it so much. And the weather was perfect. That helped. :) Zack brought a rocking chair on the boat... He happily wore his life jacket--both on board and off--I think because Dora and Boots make it cool. You probably have to have TV-watching-toddlers to understand that.

We "docked" nearby at the camp that Larry is currently helping build and played in the dirt. BOY HEAVEN. The dirt was fluffy and just slightly moist underneath--perfect for digging in and throwing.

and jumping in...

It was so good for my heart to watch the boys all playing together. The next day we took another boat trip to "High Mountain" (Zack's name for the dirt pile)--same song, second verse. This time Sharon and I took chairs to sit in and bask in the sun while the boys played. Then we headed back to the boat and cruised all around the little lake, eating the snacks that we had brought. Zack played with fishing tackle, and hung around. He was in heaven.

Love those little feet!!!!!! If only you could reach in and feel how soft and plump they are.

Yep, eating straight out of the peanut butter jar. We've fallen a long way from clean...or civilized. It had to happen.

Just noticed that he forgot to be cool and wear his life jacket. We can't get a ticket retrospectively, can we? Thankfully our five mile an hour tour didn't end in death or disaster.

That was one of those monster marshmallows in Zack's hand, there.

And, on to fishing! If you look close, you can see all 5 of my guys out there on the dock fishing. Just beautiful.

In birth order: Trevor,



and Zack.

Worms are a fun part of fishing. Zack was asking me here, "Where. Are. Their. Faces?" He still talks staccato. It's precious.

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