Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Sandbox


Zack is not cuddly, but he is affectionate. He loves this duck, and loves to kiss it. DSC09867

On a tangent: look at those curls!! DSC09862

They were so messy most of the time that I finally cut them off yesterday. Sad.

Zack kisses everything he loves: Me, Tim, the boys, the stairs, his sandbox. Somethings are better for kissing than others. :) Zack loves to play in the dirt. Here's some pictures of him playing on the patio from awhile back... DSC09682



Samuel kept him busy one soccer game playing in the gravel. DSC09771


We wanted to make Zack a sandbox for his birthday. But where to put it? Remember that big hole we had in the patio from the pipe leak? Well, we thought that would be the perfect spot! DSC09907

(We like to make sure the kids wear work-clothes. )DSC09913

Tim cleaned up the edges, trimmed it in with decking boards, laid a water permeable tarp to keep that red Alabama dirt from mixing in, and we filled it up with beach sand! DSC09929



Zack loves it. Hardly a day goes by that he doesn't play in it. DSC09944

Actually, all the kids love it. DSC00010


Yay Sandbox!  Yay Daddy!  And Yay Stroller Time--that gave me a chance to pump this post out!

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