Why does something so simple cause me so much anxiety? Self, you have to loosen up!
We had such a great day!! We left the house right about at nap time--that's the right time to take your baby out for a field trip, right? I was counting on it being okay, because Zack loves to be outside, and especially loves to stroll.
We went out to Landmark Park for {Homeschool} Harvest Days. The weather was beautiful, and it wasn't overly crowded.
We started with cotton picking... At each activity there was some teaching. That was nice.

I love the South!

Did you know that cotton has beautiful pink flowers? I didn't!

The cotton patch was right next to the sugar cane. It was so tall.

Then on to the pumpkin patch. The kids learned about how pumpkins grow: on vines. I thought that was funny, since these pumpkins had obviously been distributed in an old corn field. Also, they learned about boy flowers and girl flowers. I'm waiting for that to come back up, perhaps during breakfast some morning?

Everyone got a pumpkin...

Even Zack...

Here, he's showing you:

This is the only picture I snapped of them all before I realized I was standing in a fire ant bed. In my flip flops.

Okay, so the South may have some drawbacks.
We got to pick peanuts. We threw them in a tub for the animals to eat.

Zack pretty much chilled out in his stroller most of the time.

The kids used some old fashioned corn shuckers to shuck corn. That was neat. It must get in your nose pretty easy...and require digging out. (that's not my kid. But it could have been.)

The kids loved the feel of the corn in their hands. The lady helping asked if we had been to the corn box. Eh? We made note to look for that later. Too bad I didn't get pictures of the kids with their fun bottle drinks from the general store, or their rocks they bought at the Nature Center. We spent a good deal of time shopping. After said shopping, and a nice snack, we found the corn box. What bliss! We had it all to ourselves, and even though the kids started out somewhat carefully,

they eventually dove in.

(Yes, and I'm not sure why Zack loves to chew on clothes pins so much, but he really does enjoy it.)

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