I totally can't believe I like mushrooms. But I do. Why?
a) They are sometimes beautiful. (Sometimes they are gross. I don't like those.)
b) You don't have to plant them or take care of them.
c) They are unpredictable...you have to go out and discover them. And they grow so fast! Sometimes we keep tabs on them during the day.
d) They have made my child SO happy.
Some stick around for only a day or two...like these:

Some take almost a year to mature. Remember this one?

Now, almost 2 months later, it looks like this:

Speaking of weird, look at this one from our neighbor's yard...

Friends have gotten into the mushroom-hunt with us...they email and text us pictures, they bring them over in bags. We did some mushroom dissecting the other night on one from a friend. That was fun, because "we" would never have pulled up (or cut up) one of our own.

Can you see the slug crawling in the middle of this one?

We foolishly left that mushroom on the counter for a little while while we did something else. When we came back, the slug (and his 3 friends) had vacated the mushroom. Fortunately we found 3 of them at the far ends of the counter. Number 4? It crawled up onto my toes while we were gathering the others. Eew.
Happily, mushrooms aren't the only plant-life we have been enjoying. Tim and William brought home some succulents yesterday.

They made a nice arrangement in my castle planter.

Hopefully we won't kill them!

We keep them up where Zack can't get to them. He is ALL OVER THE PLACE. He turned 9 months old the other day, and cut in a new tooth to celebrate. That was 3 days ago, and today is is already back to drooling over yet another new tooth.
We put him in a booster set at the island now, and he loves sitting there with the big boys.

If you find any cool mushrooms, let us know!
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