Summer is finally here. School is out, business is slow, and I have had time to hang out with the kids. This last week has been very refreshing for me. Not that I've been sitting around...but I haven't been saying all day long, "I can't get everything done!"
Pretty much all I have to show for the week are pictures of my plants--Mom and Grandma, these are for you. :) This family likes to take pictures of our plants (and our food) so I might as well write to my #1 fans. (And after I show-and-tell about my plants, I'll stick some in of the kids.)
I am definitely experiencing garden envy. Our friends and neighbors are already harvesting from their gardens. How can I never get our plants out early enough? How do people know when to plant? Do I need a farmer's almanac or something? My pepper plants and tomato plants are still in pots.
They are doing well, and are starting to make buds, but I've got to get them transplanted...which means I've got to figure out how I'm going to water them...
This little plant almost bit the dust, but now it's doing fine. I can't remember the name of it, and I can't find all the care-tags. You know where we put those, Mom?
The elephant ear Mom planted from a bulb is up and growing. It gets bigger each day, and the kids (er, William mostly) love checking on its progress.
I know you can't tell, but that green haze is my asparagus plants. Five of the six bulbs came up, which is amazing, considering they looked dead when Mom planted them. We got them for 50 cents a piece on sale at Wal-Mart.
I just put pinestraw around them yesterday, but then I started second guessing that. Is the whole point for them to go to seed? If so, I can't imagine pinestraw will facilitate that. Mom?
My hibiscus are blooming beautifully! (forgot to take a picture of those) BUT, one of them is making so many yellow leaves that it is starting to look sparse. I started watering it every other day, and watering it more deeply, but I can't see any change yet. I know...I know, Mom, I should call the plant nursery and ask them about it. Where are you when I need you to make me get things done??
Enough with the plants.
Tim and I got a lot of laughs yesterday out of watching William. It was Saturday, and William's creative juices were at a peak. Tim worked in the morning, but once he came home, William was ready to get working. On what? Well...good question. How about a marble track? Out of wood? With grooves and holes and hinges and turns and everything under the sun? He could talk - and did - about his plans for his marble track forever! Seeing as that would be too complicated, how about a _______? He had so many ideas...not one of which was reasonable. Maybe he could go to Nebraska for a month and take carving lessons from Great Grandpa? (that's his idea, not mine, as you well might think :)
In the end, he and Daddy went outside and got busy making a bow and arrows. William has been longing for a real bow and arrows for a couple years now. Nerf ones, and cheap-o Dollar Tree ones haven't satisfied him. We'll see if this set does.
Tim stayed real busy...
He cut and notched a good number of "arrows"...
William was very proud of his bow...
The "arrows" still don't have points or feathers...but that just leaves William more fun work to do. Tim got an idea in his head for me to make William a quiver...and with how patiently and willingly he had given up his afternoon for our visionary son, how could I not?
Let me tell you...we have one happy camper.
The other 2 boys patiently kept themselves busy...
...while we filled William's love tank. Boy, his tank takes more filling, but the rewards are great indeed.
We also got in a swim...
William and Samuel were content to have their pictures taken...
But Trevor preferred videos...
1-going for a big splash...
2-getting a big splash...
3-getting a tad more fancy...
4-and a token video of Samuel looking every bit of the big boy that his brothers are...
And speaking of Samuel looking like a big boy...when I cut his hair yesterday, I asked how short he wanted it. I meant the back of his hair, but he told me he wanted it as short as William's. It almost made my stomach drop. He's been asking to have his hair like William's for over a year, and somehow I knew it was time to let him do it. I almost wanted to cry as I shaved away all his pretty, soft babyish hair. But, it made him happy, and it's summer, after all. I guess, just like everyone keeps telling him, he's not the baby anymore!

Looking at him makes me think of this movie:'s one I can't remember much about except that it made me sad.
It's hard letting my "baby" grow up...but I know that come October, it's gonna happen real fast!