Cherry Pie--Home Made by William!!! A delicious Welcome-Home dessert!

Everyone helped make Mother's Day lunch: Steak, potatoes, broccoli salad, and fruit salad, with strawberry shortcake for dessert. Yum. It was fun to have Mom here to actually celebrate with her.

...Even Zackster helped...and no fingers were lost.

On our way to NE, we stopped in Montgomery for a field trip with Trevor's Homeschool Alabama History Class. It was great. We went to the Alabama Archives Museum, with was really cool, and then to the capitol building. Zack was a trooper and participated in some of the tour just like a big boy. Other times he just trailed along at his own pace.

Here's the pretty ceiling they are looking at:

Trevor ate it up. He really loves history. I loved our tour guide's approach to handling the confederacy. She pointed out that if we don't learn from our mistakes, we may repeat them. The room Trevor is in here is the room where the Confederacy was established, and it has been permanently set aside as a sort of memorial.

After our tours, Zack was out like a light before we even got back on the interstate. Perfect. ;)

We made our way to Branson and spent a day there. We went to a skate park that was right on the banks of a stream. Here's a bunch of pictures from that.

We also ate lunch at a cute little cafe, and went mini golfing. The mini golfing was INSANE. The kids were like pinballs. Grandpa did an amazing job keeping his cool.

We finally made it to Kearney, and had such a great time. I did a terrible job at taking pictures, unfortunately. Here's what I have to show for it...
Uncle Miles showing the forklift to the boys. A big hit.

We went out to see my old horse, Shadow, again. That is always a highlight for me. We had to go get him from pasture. I loved seeing Zack out running around in the Nebraska prairie. :)

After a fun time riding the horse, Mom and Dad took us out to eat. It was in a small town, and I got a kick out of the curb appeal. The kids were asking, "What restaurant?"

They loved it inside, though! All 4 walls were lined with taxidermy.

And then, here we are on our way home. Just me and my 4.5 kids. It was a great trip, and we had fun riding together. Zack was a trooper--took good naps and spent lots of time just sitting and looking out the window. We hardly used any of the toys I brought along for him. The big boys were fantastic, too. Trevor especially had a lot of work to do, passing things back and forth, and helping Zack out.

Here's one parting shot--one that mom took--just to give you a good glimpse of our little one to come in just 3 more months!

PS: I am appalled at my lack of pictures. Not a single one in here with Kim or my grandparents. Just sick. We had such a good time with them, and THEY got good pictures...I just can't find a great way to get them all on my blog!
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