Thought I'd get some more shots of the garden...this time with people :) There's Trevor with his corn. Did I already tell you it's ornamental indian corn? One has purple flowers on its silk, and one has yellow. It will be fun to see what we get out of it.
And here's Samuel with a Zinnia. He's my little florist. He loves to cut them and bring them in the house. I've got them lining my kitchen window sill, and on the kitchen island.

William's fancy flowers opened up. They are so pretty!

We've got a honeydew, it looks like. Came up from the compost pile. These pictures are less than a week apart...

Then we have these little pumpkins that started white and are now orange...

Here's a pretty cucumber. I've tried out a new recipe for pickles...one that lets them pickle on the counter by fermentation. They are tasty! I've made 4 pints...but I have enough cucs for maybe 8 more pints.

Here's some rosemary that William cultivated. Before we lost our big plant this winter, he had cut a sprig and put it in a glass of water to grow roots. Later he transplanted it to dirt, and now here is it ...getting big and healthy! Yay William!

He also planted these four o'clocks from seed.

In family life: We went to the midwife yesterday--our third visit. We took the kids with us so they could see the place we've been talking about. The midwife is very family friendly...she has tons of toys right in her exam room (and practically none in the waiting room :) so the kids just sat on the floor and played the whole time. She was totally unfazed by all the noise. She says I'm on track, except my iron is low. I've already been taking a supplement, thank goodness, and will add another. Baby is growing right on schedule...moving and kicking and hiccuping a lot. I've got 10 more weeks...plus or minus, of course. I've learned that drinking hot milk before bed helps me get to sleep. And now that I'm done reading the Hunger Games series, I should dream better, too. I have to be very careful what I read because with my light sleeping I have weird dreams. Birthing books aren't doing the trick. I just pulled Utopia off the shelf to see how that does. I remember I couldn't track with it last time I tried, so maybe it will be benign enough for me. :)
School's in full swing. And I'm still working on my little project. Here's another page of it. I've got 6 done, and probably have 6 more to go for this first set.