First picture of a smile:

Using our new swaddle blanket. It worked like a charm, and even taught Fussy Britches to use the swing like a good boy.

First meal cooked in the new kitchen: Sunday Night Smoothies

Uncle Tommy helping lay floors

And Grand Dad, too.

Chillin' out

Bathing: It's a family affair.

Working on lining the cupboards

We start em out on books young...

Zack's baptism

Checking out our friend's archeological dig.

Trevor using a tool Tim made for our friend, the archeologist. :)

The boys got their gold belts

Zack playing with his first toy.

Not sure what they were doing. I missed it. Guess I got this picture off Mom's camera. Any idea, Mom?

Zack smiling at his toy. Again...he loves it.

Grandma is mesmerizing...

Weighing in...12 pounds.

My sons...

Grandmother came for a visit...

So...we had a bout of thrush and yeast infections in our house for the last, oh, 7 weeks? After over a month of prescription medicines that didn't work, I went for the old gentian violet treatment. It's purple.

All set to shop. Purple.

Would you believe what the boys are watching?

They are watching our patio being jack hammered apart to find a leak underground. Thank you, God, that it wasn't under our house!!

2 months old today! (still a hint of purple above the lip...)

I had thrush with Harrison and we were purple for weeks! I finally had to do a yeast free diet. Glad you are getting it taken care of. I swear by gentian violet! Zack seems to be doing well. Lucy is a dream baby. I've gotta get her first week blogged so I can move on to the fun stuff. Hope you guys have an amazing Christmas savoring our Savior!