We are so excited that she is here!

(See William getting ready to climb in the suburban to find the surprise that he is sure Grandma must have brought?)

She did bring a surprise...Legos. That kept them busy for quite a while.
This week we went to see a movie (Dolphin Tale--very sweet movie!) and caught a couple soccer games. Also, our friends Pete and Caitlin came over for their weekly meal at our house. I was glad my mom got to see that part of our life.

The rest of the week was consumed with getting ready for a holiday show in town that we took Tim's woodworking to. We spent a day shopping, trying to find ideas and get supplies to make our booth festive. We also spent hours bagging and tagging items...including my new favorite: Painted Pine Cones.
(Check out my belly! It's getting pretty ripe!)

I think the pine cones are beautiful, and was hoping to sell out of them...but we didn't. We'll take them out to the Highlands and put them in our booth there.

We made 46 bags.

Thursday morning we packed up the cars and headed out to set up.

Mom and brought the boys to visit.

It took us all day thursday--til 4:00 anyway--to set up, then we manned the booth from 6-9. Friday shopping hours were 9-8, and Saturday from 9-6. It was a long week for us! It was fun to make new friends at the show, and we enjoyed working there.
This week we'll turn our attention to getting ready for Baby! I'm due a week from tomorrow, and have a list of things I want to accomplish before Baby arrives. Besides getting things ready for the baby, we will also be packing up the kitchen, since next Monday a demo crew will come to tear it all out for a remodel. C-R-A-Z-Y timing. Well, we are better responders than planners, and will just be rolling with the punches for the next 6-7 weeks. Mom will stick around as long as we need her. What a blessing.
I'm keeping this post short...just sitting here these 45 mins at the desk is all I can handle!