A hand-made casserole carrier from Wonderwoman--9.75 years married, and it's my first one!

And here's my second one! Two in one day!

Gifts from Tim...

Here's all the kids hovering around me...

Thanks for the great gifts everybody!
Here's what Tim made me for dessert after lunch...a caramel decaf cafe frappe...yum...

Kim and Miles got us a frappe machine for Christmas, and we love it!
In other news,
~it's strawberry season!

One of my helpers wanted to make chocolate covered strawberries, so I let him!

They were delicious.
~the dogwoods are starting to bloom...

~Tim's been working on the house some more...

The verdict is still out on the paint color in that gable...meanwhile, we have scaffolding in front of our house again.
~He's also been working on our tree-house. Trevor helped make a bucket-crank-thing...

~and to finish up our Germany unit, we made some clay fairytale creations.
Trevor made this from "The Golden Goose"...

and William made this from "The Princess and the Frog"...

and then we put it all together to make a Glockenspiel like the one in Marienplatz Germany...

We just made it out of a Grits canister...with plastic lids and a straw, but it really spins, and even though it doesn't make music, the kids loved it. Here's the real one...

That's all I got...but with William's birthday this week, I'll be back with more!
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