How can a whole month have gone by already since this new little person came into our world? Did you know that a grandma can take A LOT of pictures in one month? Good thing, too, because I didn't take very many this month.
So, here they are--Our Month in Pictures...
Oops...a couple disclaimers:
1) The first 2 pictures are OVER a month old...I had to share these big pregnant pictures.
2) My one comment on my messy house is: It is messy.
3) Most pictures of Zack are when he is sleeping. Whether this is because he sleeps a lot, or because he is usually fussing when he's awake is hard to determine.
Our Month in Pictures: Take 2...
Birth-day minus 3

Birth-day minus 1

Family's first visit

The Grand-moms

Trevor gets lots of Zack time

Dad and Zack

Grandpa and Zack

Checking out the baby

T and Z again


and again

Playing games--we've played lots of games

At the end of first day of demolition

Zack's first bath

My new hair stylist--chopping it off to donate

William and Grandpa after golfing

William and Grandpa and the new wind chime--they made it out of the old doorbell chimes that were in the house

More game time

Daddy time

Zack looks like Trevor here

Jack hammer day u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u

Sleeping sweetly...

...while big brothers are playing wii

Boys tearing it up on the ramp...(is Trevor getting ready to punch someone?)

Pictures from our afternoon at the pumpkin farm

"How can you not want to pet this??"

"I'd rather take pictures"

Samuel would rather not take care of Zack all night

Did you know you could weigh a baby on a postal scale?

11 pounds

Totally relaxed

Kissable feet

Early morning art session

11/11/11 pictures:
11 kinds of food for dinner

11 games to play...and yes, we played all of them.

Worn out baby

Visiting Grandmother Martha

And lastly, just today, Indi keeping Zack warm in bed...