Sunday, October 18, 2009

Bunches of Pictures

We have been busy! Here's a shot of us on a "trolley tour" we took the other day. Not much to say about that, but it was a cute picture, so I included it.

The next day we were scheduled to go zip-lining. Never been zip-lining before! Wouldn't you know it...we woke up to rain. Lots of rain. We called the zip place, and they said no problem, we do it in the rain. After much discussion, we decided to go for it. When would we have another chance?! On the way, we saw this:

But when we got there...sunshine! Thank you God!

We got geared-up...

Loaded a truck... (I think like the ones they used in Austria in the war, or something...)

Started up the hill...and made it a good ways before we got stuck...
...and had to hike up the rest of the way. We were panting by the time we reached the top. Well...I was anyway...

Next, we took a mini-lesson on zip-lining from our funny tour guides...
They kept us laughing...
They eat bugs like this one:
Just kidding. Anyway, here's a view from the top. It was a long way down...
Here's a clip of how we did it. They strapped us on/hooked us up, then let us go!

At the end, they catch you and help you down. There was a series of 9 lines, so it took us a while to work our way down the mountain. It was so beautiful and fun.

Later, we got cleaned up, and went to a really wonderful restaurant for dinner. Here's outside...

Here's inside...and a shot of our super-fancy food. We had a great time. There was a jazz singer, and we danced to a couple of his songs. It was really nice.

This morning, we had breakfast at a little shop, and ate on the patio. That was fun.

And later, a little time on the beach. They say a girl will marry someone like her father...I think they may be onto something....

Friday, October 16, 2009


We go to do the most unbelievably fun thing yesterday.

We released baby sea turtles!
We just happened to be in the right place, at the right time, and stumbled upon a group of people doing a "release the turtles" thing. Apparently they gathered eggs that they had found nearby, incubated them, and brought them out for release. They hoped that by doing this the turtles would have more hope for survival.
I'm no expert, and some may disagree with releasing turtles, but I was NOT going to complain about getting to help.
Wow. Those little turtles were something else.
On the count of 3, we all let them down onto the sand, and away they went.
We named ours Timatao and Julia. Vaya con Dios turtuguitas!!

Later, we came back and all sat on Mom and Dad's bed to watch a movie (since there is only one couch in the living area). We watched the Count of Monte Cristo. It was a good day!

Monday, October 12, 2009



I wanted to show you some pictures of our Mexico Trip so far...

Here, we are riding in a double-decker bus on our way to our condo.

Here's Mom and Dad walking on our way out for a snack at "Mary's".

And a little shop we looked through...

And out to eat at Gus Gus.

Tonight we went to a "fiesta" here at the resort. I got dressed up...thanks Sharon for the festive dress!
At the fiesta we were entertained by dancers. It was a real treat to watch them.
That's all for now.
Trevor, William and Samuel: I miss you! I hope you are having a great time. Daddy and I are having so much fun. We have liked speaking some spanish, and eating lots of chips and guacamole. We are praying for you!
Love, Mom